Elevation 1107 ft.  -  GEARY County Seat
61 miles from Topeka, Vern and Letha entered town looking for store,  cont. below
turned up Main Street and saw  5 Marines guarding the local Vietnam Memorial. This struck them as odd, not being near any of our memorials since 9-11.  Continuied in wrong direction, turned around and saw 3 more Marines, guarding the Buffalo Soldier Memorial in Pawnee Park. A memorial to African-American soldiers, is a bronze statue of a nine-foot-tall Buffalo Soldier and his horse. The 4,000-pound horse and rider is part of a larger memorial to the Ninth and Tenth Cavalry, two groups of black soldiers that existed from the 1860s to the 1940s.
We sure hope the need to guard our memorials does not continue too long.

Continuing on, about 9:00 a.m., They found a store to stock up with water and snacks, $16.82 worth. Next stop was Abilene.

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